


上海外国语大学世界语言博物馆自201912月开馆以来,一直致力于彰显世界语言多样性,汇聚全球知识,融语言本体与语言教育研究于系列学术活动中。为助力上外学子仰望星空,探索语言奥秘,2021年春季学期特推出古典语言文化簇系列。古典语言文化簇(ALCCAncient Languages and Civilizations Cluster)由上外世界语言博物馆组织,汇聚校内外热爱古典语言文化的骨干教师,通过公益讲座、学术沙龙、学术工坊等形式培养莘莘学子的语言情怀,拓展国际视野,提升学术素养


Giuseppe Peano: Latino sine flexione, an International auxilary language




Claudio Senni(上外西方语系意大利语专业外籍教师)





624 562 184


In the Museum of World Languages located in the SISU university campus in Sonjiang (Shanghai International Studies University) a section is dedicated to the International auxilary languages (IALs). Various scholars who have studied this topic are cited, especially Leibnitz. ‘The more influential IALs include Solresol, Volapük, Ido, and Interlingua, and perhaps the most famous is Esperanto’, so we read.

This lecture aims to give more information and to propose some reflections on the Interlingua created by Giuseppe Peano (1858-1932), famous Italian mathematician and a founder of symbolic logic. Peano created an artificial language called ‘latino sine flexione’ (1903), based on Latin, a written language of international communication between mathematicians, perhaps the least artificial language among those in competition, as Willard Van Orman Quine says.



Claudio Senni was awarded a Laurea magistralis in 1979 in Classics, thesis in Greek literature (University of Rome “La Sapienza”), a Laurea magistralis in 2000 in Philosophy, thesis in Philosophy of Language (University of Rome Tre) and in 2006 completed the II Level Master (University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Faculty of Sociology). Teacher of Latin and Greek in classical high school, he was Supervisor and Coordinator of teacher training at SSIS (School of Specialization in Secondary Education of Lazio), tutor and coordinator of trainee teachers in TFA courses (Training courses) and in PAS (Special training courses for the teaching diploma) at the University of Rome Tre. He collaborated with fixed-term contracts with the University of Rome Tre. He has published articles about didactics in specialized magazines, working mainly on interdisciplinary topics and on the classical inheritance. He has coauthored with E. Andreoni Fontecedro and M. Agosti the essay Guida alla traduzione del testo latino (Guide to the translation of the Latin text) following the functional model. He currently is Italian professor in Shanghai at SISU (Shanghai International Studies University) in the Italian Department and Latin professor at SISU Honors College.


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